Walpole Bakery Offers Free Cupcakes To Kids With Canceled Birthdays

WALPOLE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Just because the party had to been canceled, doesn't mean the celebration is over.

A cake baker in Walpole is offering free cupcakes to children who are missing out on their usual birthday party fun due to coronavirus.

In a Facebook post, Silpa Pande, the owner Melt In Your Mouth bakery which specializes in "natural homemade cakes," offered to cheer up kids with upcoming birthdays who have canceled their parties due to social distancing guidelines.

Pande told WBZ NewsRadio there were lots of local children with parties being postponed all of a sudden, and she wanted to try and make their day a little more special.

"They're pretty bummed out, so I figured I could at least give them free cupcakes so they can at least celebrate with their families."

Pande said if you're in Walpole she can "leave [the cupcakes] on your front porch or steps to avoid contact", or residents of surrounding towns can pick up their free cupcakes from outside Pande's home.

"If this could actually bring a smile to some kids, some families, that would be great," Pande said.

WBZ NewsRadio's Shari Small (@ShariSmallNews) reports:

(Photo: ShariSmallNews/Twitter)

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